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Managing Directors

After studying geology at the Bergakademie Freiberg, Dipl.-Geologe Karsten Baumann worked as a geologist in reservoir exploration for almost 10 years and as an interpreter of borehole geophysical measurements for 2 years. From 1992 to 2000 he was managing director of BLM GmbH (Gesellschaft für bohrlochgeophysikalische und geoökologische Messungen mbH). Since 2000 he has been the managing director of Bohrlochmessung-Storkow GmbH.

Dr.-Ing. Gunther Baumann has been managing director of the company since 2016. After studying geoengineering at the TU-Berlin with a focus on geophysics, he worked for several years at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam. Here he was awarded a doctorate in engineering with a thesis on borehole geophysics. Karsten and Dr.-Ing. Gunther Baumann are partners in the company.  


Managing director:

Karsten Baumann
phone (033678) 4363-0
mobil (0173) 7203148 

Managing director:

Dr. Gunther Baumann
Dipl.-Ing. (Geophysik)
phone (033678) 4364-3
mobil (0173) 7203149